Product Evangelist, Small Business CEO, and Linux Lover based in England. Currently leading Sales & Operations as CEO of Mission Control.


For the past 25 years I’ve been leading strategy, operations, and development teams in the delivery of advanced Mobile, AI, Web3, and emerging technology platforms for some of the largest brands in the world. I’m a HUGE Open Source and Linux advocate, love giving talks and lectures, and thrive on product and technology evangelism.

(1996 - 2024)


I’ve worn more than a few hats in the past 25 years - from Director of Mobile Projects for The Discovery Channel, to Head of Content Strategy for iXL/Sapient, to CEO and Founder of Mission Control. While they all sound a bit different, they have all had one thing in common - an absolute love of cutting edge technology, the values and principles of Open Source, and the perennial need to preach the benefits of Linux to anyone standing still long enough to listen!

My Services

In addition to running my own ‘Boutique’ Development Shop, I offer regular Consulting Services for a number of clients - from Product Ideation for a new digital product or service, to content & roadmap planning, to urgent ‘Project Rescue’ consulting and services.

I speak regularly on the Linux and Open Source landscape, and have had a number of ‘side projects’ including Station X Systems, a UK-based Linux laptop provider from 2016-2020.

I’m based in the centre of England (East Midlands), but available to travel for longer consulting engagements.


All works on this site are the property of my clients and are featured here with their express permission.